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Discord Bot

This page details the available bot commands on the FlyByWire Simulations Discord server custom bot.

For information on how to contribute to bot development visit the Discord bot repository.

Discord Bot

Bot Commands

Command Description Alias
.ADIRS Provides information on how to align ADIRS .adirs
.addon addon, not mod (meme) ---
.afloor Link to the A.FLOOR tooltip video and documentation guide ---
.airframe Link to simBrief airframe ---
.autopilot Link to custom autopilot documentation and issues .ap
.avatar Shows the selected users avatar .av
.assistance Explains to the user why assistance options should be disabled .assi
.beginnerguide Link to Beginner Guide documentation .bg
.boratorium Boratorium meme ---
.boris Boris sound meme ---
.briefing Link to A32NX Briefing documentation ---
.bruheg Bruheg meme ---
.buildinfo Link to docs for build info .buildinfo
.calibrate Link to calibration guide ---
.checklist Displays the checklist ---
.clean Links to clean install guide .cleaninstall
.community Guide to locate community folder .com
.coffee Would you like some coffee? (meme) ---
.content Guide to provide screenshot of content manager ---
.controls How to change from new to legacy controls ---
.cowsay Emulates the famous UNIX program 'cowsay' .cs
.ctrl+e Displays help regarding CTRL+E engine start .ctrle
.cursor Displays steps to help with EFB cursor focus issue .efbfocus
.crak What's your sim version? ---
.cfms Provides information on the new cfms ---
.default 0_o (meme)
.donate Link to donation website ---
.discontinuity Link to docs about discontinuities .disco
.dx12 Explanation for the current state of MSFS DirectX12 support ---
.efb Shows the EFB GIF ---
.exp Information about the FBW experimental version .experimental
.freetext Provides a link to the FBW free text feature guide .ft
.fixinfo Provide information about the fix info feature ---
.fridge Fridge ---
.fdr Information on how to provide fdr files ---
.guard MEOW! (meme) ---
.goldenrules Provides an image describing the golden rules an Airbus pilot should follow .golden
.help Send DM of current list of commands ---
.installer Provides a link to the installer ---
.installererror Shows installer error resolution (outdated) .error
.juan just... Juan (meme)
.liveries Provides a link to the A32NX liveries page .liv
.merge GIT MERGE! (meme) .git merge
.metar Provides the METAR report of the requested airport ---
.msfs Links to MSFS Discord and forum (for non-FBW related issues) ---
.nut Support Master NUT meme (read the sticky message) ---
.navdata Provides help with Navigraph navdata reinstall ---
.otter Well, it's an otter (meme) ---
.poggers POG (meme) ---
.pov Oof (meme) ---
.printer Provides a link to the FlyByWire printer tutorial video ---
.ptu Bark (meme) ---
.p3d No! (meme) ---
.qa Links to the Quality Assurance docs page ---
.reportedissues Link to reported issues documentation .issues
.roadmap FlyByWire Simulations roadmap graphic .goals
.screens Guide for adjusting various instrument lighting ---
.screenshot How to take a good screenshot ---
.shame Shame, shame, shame (meme) ---
.simversion Help to identify MSFS version for support .msfsversion
.synaptic Provides link to Synaptic Discord server .syn
.station Provides station information ---
.sop Displays first page of SOP and provides PDF download ---
.trythis Main support command (remove mods/liveries) ---
.tug Provides a solution to the tug disconnection issue. ---
.tiller Provides a link to the tiller feature guide .til
.utf8 Resolution steps to solve UTF-8 issues ---
.versions Information about all available FBW branches ---
.weather Explains the current state of the weather and terrain radars .wx
.when Explain the absence of release dates or ETAs ---
.whened you just got .whened! (meme) ---
.where Help with which aircraft to select in the aircraft selector ---
.willithave Answers the question "Will the A32NX have ... ?" ---
.weights Provides a link to the fuel and weights docs guide .wb
.xbox Xbox/Marketplace NOTAM link ---
.xp Just... no! .XPlane


Update _ December 20, 2021

  • Added .discontinuity (.disco)
  • Added .fdr
  • Added .cfms
  • Added .buildinfo (.build)
  • Added .navdata
  • Added .dx12
  • Added .whended
  • Added .tug
  • Added .crak
  • Added .rules
  • Added .weights (.fuel, .wb, .w/b, .w+b, .wnb, .w&b)
  • Added .fixinfo
  • Added .welcome
  • Added .sop
  • Added .goldenrules (.gr, .golden)
  • Added .fridge
  • Added .tiller (.steer, .steering, .til)
  • Added .assistance (.assi, .as)
  • Added source assets for the welcome Discord banner
  • Updated to include other maintainers
  • Updated .afloor and .fixinfo (Docs links)
  • Updated gif in .efb
  • Updated link in .fixinfo
  • Updated .roadmap image
  • Updated .faq to include moderation team role
  • Updated .checklist image
  • Deleted .whened and .whended
  • Fix .fridge (image)
  • Fix .welcome emotes and .faq docs link
  • Fix index.ts to include whended
  • Fix .experimental, .versions and .tug (wording and format)
  • Fix .help to ping the correct user
  • Refactor (moved .cowsay)

Update _ November 21, 2021

  • Added .cursor (.efbfocus, .unfocus)
  • Added .ptu
  • Added .logs
  • Added .avatar (.av)
  • Added .whened
  • Added .station
  • Added .addon
  • Added .freetext (.ft)
  • Added .guard
  • Added .poggers
  • Added .merge
  • Added .default
  • Added .juan
  • Added .p3d
  • Added .xp
  • Added .pov
  • Added .coffee
  • Added .otter
  • Added .synaptic (.syn)
  • Added .cowsay (.cs)
  • Updated .nut (Non Halloween)
  • Updated .bruheg (Non Halloween)
  • Updated .help
  • Updated readme.ts
  • Updated .ctrle (New alias .ctrl-e)
  • Updated .printer
  • Updated .exp and .versions
  • Updated embed accent colour
  • Deleted .installererror
  • Fix .metar (Units)

Update _ October 27, 2021

  • Added .metar
  • Added .qa
  • Added .weather (.wx)
  • Updated .nut (Halloween)
  • Updated .bruheg (Halloween)
  • Fix .weather (Grammar)
  • Refactor (Commands split into categories)

Update _ October 22, 2021

  • Added .liveries (.liv)
  • Added .simversion (.msfsversion)
  • Added .printer
  • Added .where
  • Added .ctrl+e (.ctrle, .enginestart)
  • Updated .briefing (New alias, .flightdeck and .pfd)
  • Fix (typo)
  • Bot repo refactor
  • index.ts and updated for simpler contributing

Update _ October 10, 2021

  • Added .community (.com)
  • Added .roadmap (.goals)
  • New FAQ command
  • Added .clean
  • Updated .experimental with docs link
  • Updated .adirs image
  • Updated repo PR Template
  • Updated .screens image
  • Updated .efb GIF

Update _ September 29, 2021

  • Added .willithave (.thumb)
  • Updated .afloor to link to docs
  • Updated .msfs
  • Updated .airframe/.simbrief to link to docs
  • Updated .utf to .uft8

Update _ September 20, 2021

  • Added .airframe (.simbrief)
  • Added .xbox
  • Fixed .unban
  • Update .calibrate links to docs guide
  • Vanity URL used in the readme

Update _ September 17, 2021

  • Added .screenshot
  • Added .msfs
  • Added .controls
  • Added .content
  • Added .briefing
  • Added .beginnerguide (.bg)
  • Added .boris
  • Updated .afloor Links to tooltip
  • Updated .trythis (reworded)
  • Updated .calibrate with current links
  • Fix .whois
  • Fix .help
  • Readme, Contributing and PR template have been added!

Update _ August 24, 2021

  • Added .adirs
  • Added .installererror (.error)
  • Added .reportedissues (.issues)
  • Added .autopilot (.ap)
  • Added .checklis
  • Added .whois
  • Added .calibrate
  • Added .donate
  • Added .utf
  • Added .nut
  • Updated .exp and .versions experimental is in use

Last update: January 1, 2022
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